Marketing strategy for offline businesses

Offline Marketing Strategy every Business Ventures Must put in consideration
Marketing is the business activities  (done by seller and manufacturers ) of bringing products and services into the awareness  of the final consumers.

"Final consumers are the targeted audience that are waiting to make use of a product or services". Writing as a service render by writers, authors or blogger and those who are willing to read a write up are the final consumers.

Every business ventures what so ever must be optimized in its marketing strategy for increase in the rate of turn-over (Sales), to boost their product popularity, and to build customers trust and fan base.

As we are in the world of ICT i.e computer age generation some people were making living with their product selling online, on social media and also integrate offline strategy all in the course of making good sales and earn a living.

Below are some important offline marketing strategies to put ion consideration.

1. Advertisement

The bringing to the awareness of products into the notice of the public via different methods

- Billboards - they are the large boards across a geographical area displaying, educating, and describing the product to the public either in pictures, motion (clips), or animations.

- Banners or Posters- are smaller than that of bill boards which also describe, tell what are need to know about the specific products.

- Fliers are also called handbills to promote products.

- Text Messaging

- Others like caller feeds that tell callers about your products and services displayed on their phone screen.

2. Jingles

This is the method of promoting products on radio explaining and education how and the feel of such products or services

3. Publication of Articles

This is a superb methods of marketing by acquiring some spaces on newspaper or magazines, publishing articles related to the exact product.
   In blogging aspect, we call it guest posting. A blogger will accept guest posting service to the targeted audience to write about their product or service mentioning the products, its specs, merits and trying to confuse them.

Articles of publication can be done on;

a. Newspapers

b. Magazines

c. Year book and so on.

4. Personal Selling

Personal selling is the going out to the prospective (public) either in their offices, places of work, on the highway, in the traffic etc. for every marketers to meet up with their targets, they have to implement this personal selling strategy to boost their sales

5. Trade Fair

Trade fair is the trading that occur yearly, quarterly which brought different manufacturers, sellers or marketers together from different part of the world with the buyers or clients in a close contact in order to have a negotiation one way or the other on a particular product or service.
   Trade fair is done in a very lager area like the Nigerian World Trade Center.

6. Exhibition

This is done especially during festivals like new year, Salah, and Charismas where different manufactures of varieties of products book for a space / shop on the exhibition ground ready to sell their products to people who come for the exhibition.

There are lots of activities taken place on exhibition ground like playing gaming, riding, music and so on that entertain exhibitors and the public

7. Give-aways and Bonanza

Giveaways or bonanza is more or less like allowing discount or giving out free product. A slang; "Bug one, get two free" this is a give-away when you purchase a particular product and you get another product for free or a free service. E g when you buy CCTV on bonanza you will free installation and maintenance free.

 Give away or bonanza is usually done at end of a year or on a specific festival.

Over to you

Marketing strategy surely enhance increase in sales of goods and services.  A well determined manufactures or marketer or seller must take these strategies in consideration. Every business ventures wants to maximize profit and attain its set goals.

Without marketing exercise, there wouldn't be increase in sales. The marketing product era believe quality goods will find market for itself, but this marketing era ensures without marketing there will not be increase in sales.

... marketing is superb...

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